
Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

Jul 26, 2024
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Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

You have a gut feeling something’s wrong with your tooth, but you’re not sure if you need a dentist’s help or you just need to brush your teeth a little better. The only way to know for sure is to pay Dr. Mehrnoosh Darj a visit at Affordable Dental Associates, but there are several warning signs you can be on the lookout for. 

If you notice any of the following symptoms, don’t wait to schedule an appointment and see if you need a root canal

You’re in constant pain

Toothaches can mean a few things. Some people develop a toothache that’s not a toothache at all, but referred pain during a sinus infection. However, many toothaches indicate you have a serious infection. 

Your pain may come and go or bother you all day; you might feel pain deep in the bone of your tooth, or it might radiate to your face, jaw, and other teeth.

Whatever your symptoms are, we never recommend ignoring tooth pain, especially persistent, intense pain. 

Your teeth are sensitive to heat and cold

Does your first sip of coffee make your teeth zing? Does a bite of ice cream set your nerves on edge? You likely have tooth sensitivity that stems from infected blood vessels and nerves in your teeth. 

If the infection is severe, your infected tooth could be sensitive even to room-temperature foods. Simply touching or chewing on the affected tooth could also be painful. 

Your tooth is discolored

An infected tooth won’t stay pearly white for long. Infection within the pulp breaks down the internal tissue of your tooth, damaging the root and turning the outside dingy and discolored. 

Your gums are swollen

Swollen gums near the infected tooth are another telltale sign a root canal is in order. Acidic waste from dead, infected pulp tissues triggers swelling. 

Like your pain, the swelling may come and go. You may also notice that the gums are tender or painful to the touch. Sometimes, a pimple or abscess forms on your gums, as well. 

You have a chipped or cracked tooth

Any chink in your tooth’s armor opens the door for infection. Even if you injured your tooth but didn’t crack or chip it, the trauma may still be enough to damage the underlying nerves.

Your tooth is wiggly

You haven’t had a loose tooth since childhood, but suddenly, your tooth is on the move. Infection and nerve and tissue death can soften the bone around your tooth root and cause mobility. 

Don’t root canals hurt?

Root canals have gained a bad reputation, but with today’s technology, there’s nothing to be worried about. You might consider a root canal more like a deep filling than anything else. 

There’s little to no pain because we use local anesthesia to numb your tooth and gums before we pick up any of our tools. If you need a root canal because you have swelling and/or a fever, you may take a course of antibiotics before your procedure, which can also reduce pain and sensitivity. 

You might feel sore or tender after your root canal, but these side effects typically subside within the first day or two. You can manage your symptoms with over-the-counter pain medications and cold compresses. 

Life after root canal

Just because you had a root canal doesn’t make your tooth invincible for life. The fundamental things still apply, and we strongly encourage you to embrace these healthy habits to avoid another infection (and another root canal):

  • Brush and floss twice daily
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste or fluoride rinse
  • See us for checkups every six months
  • Have a professional cleaning at least once a year
  • Limit the amount of sugary foods and refined carbohydrates you eat

If your treated tooth starts to hurt again, it can indicate another infection, or it can mean:

  • Improper healing
  • Incomplete disinfection because of complicated root anatomy
  • A tooth injury that allows new decay to enter the tooth

Talk to us if your pain does go away after a few days or if your pain returns. We’ll start from scratch and uncover exactly what’s causing your symptoms. 

Have more questions about root canals? Dealing with intense tooth pain? We want to talk with you. Call or click to schedule an appointment at the Affordable Dental Associates office nearest you. We’re located in El Paso and Socorro, Texas.